The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is actually an eight-day observance or “octave” of prayer. It has been this way since the beginnings of this international movement in 1908.
This is now the Sword of the Spirit’s 11th year of participating internationally in this worldwide observance. This year we are using the Bible passages proposed by the World Council of Churches from John 15, the vine and the branches.

After each passage there is a reflection from either Brother Joseph Donovan of the Brotherhood of Hope, based in Boston, or from Andy Pettman of the Servants of the Word based in London. They are an ecumenical team, since one is Catholic, the other Protestant, and their working together on this is a strong sign of the unity that we believe we in the Sword of the Spirit are supposed to live out.
Following the reflection is a simple prayer, and then a testimony from Sword of the Spirit members from all over the world, about why our ecumenical call is so important to them.
We do hope these reflections, testimonies and prayers, help you as you join in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity this year.
Download the PDF file with all the materials for the Week here.